BenQ GH680F是國產品牌第一款搭載內置WIFI無線傳輸的長焦數碼相機,通過下載BenQ的APP用戶端輕鬆就可以將自己的可攜式裝置如平板電腦、手機等和BenQ相機進行一個快速互聯,所以當我們擁有BenQ GH680F這款相機的同時在旅行路上就可以將自己剛剛拍攝好的靚照和親友們來上一個快速分享,不但如此BenQ GH680F還給攝影玩家配備了一個2年5G大型存放區的雲端伺服器,即使SD卡空間不夠也可以將其上傳,為使用者大大的節省了存儲空間。
BenQ GH680F is the first domestic brands equipped with built-in WIFI wireless transmission telephoto digital camera, by downloading BenQ's APP clients easily you can be your portable devices such as tablet PCs, mobile phones and the BenQ camera to a fast interconnect, so when we have a BenQ GH680F while traveling on the road, you can just shoot your own good videos of relatives and friends to come on a quick share, not only so BenQ GH680F gave photographers equipped with a large storage area for 2 years 5G cloud server, even if the SD card is not enough space can also be uploaded to the user greatly saves storage space.