2013年10月14日 星期一

BenQ家用投影機新款上市 勇奪台灣區家用市占第一 (BenQ’s home projector launches, takes #1 spot in Taiwan market)

BenQ 自 2012 年底針對『小空間的影音享受』推出三坪機系列,耕耘一年以來當前以 47% 市佔為台灣家用投影機市場第一!

BenQ家用投影機系列廣受市場好評,2013年第四季再接再厲,推出三款全新短焦3D Full HD藍光劇院三坪投影機W1500/W1400/W1300。新機包括具備全球第一台內建5GHz無線3D Full HD投影傳輸技術的W1500,能無線傳輸不經壓縮的3D/2D Full HD影像及音效,讓消費者無須煩惱線材配置即能無線享受高畫質影音震撼;以及承襲BenQ 投影機短焦風潮並升級採用1.5~1.6倍大變焦鏡頭技術的 W1300和W1400/ W1500。BenQ 全新系列三坪投影機到位,功能全面再進化,讓每個消費者都能找到最適切的機種,滿足在家庭劇院的不同使用需求,與家人共享影音娛樂更輕鬆!

In late 2012, BenQ introduced short-throw projectors targeting consumers with limited space in the homes but who value a high-quality viewing and listening experience. In the year since, BenQ has captured 47% of the home projector market in Taiwan, making it the #1 vendor.

BenQ’s home projectors have received broad acclaim in the market, and in the fourth quarter of this year, we are launching three all-new models in the product family, all short-throw 3D Full HD Blu-ray home theater projectors: the W1500, W1400, and W1300. The W1500 represents the world’s first projector able to display 3D Full HD images over 5GHz WiFi data connection, enabling it to display uncompressed 3D/2D Full HD video with audio wirelessly. It thus frees consumers from the hassles of connecting cables when they wish to enjoy stunning high-definition video. The new projectors build on the momentum BenQ has established for our short-throw projectors, while upgrading capabilities by adding 1.5 to 1.6 zoom technology. Together, the new models represent a comprehensive advance in functionality, and provide consumers with attractive choices so they can select the model that best suits their particular home digital entertainment needs and preferences.

