2013年10月14日 星期一

BenQ亞太業務區護眼不閃屏專屬網站即將上線 (BQP Eye-care Micro-site and Media Buy Direction)


The eye-care micro-site will be officially launched in mid to end of October, including versions for Australia, India, Thailand and Indonesia. To correlate with MarCom direction, flicker-free technology and eye-care contents will be ready along with flicker-free LCD family to shortlist the flicker-free models, reviews to provide testimonials in BQP region and where to buy to trigger call to action. Now you can have a sneak peak of the to-be-launched eye-care micro-site. As the strategy of Q4’13 will be focusing on digital marketing, it is strongly recommended to fully leverage this micro-site for media buy, ie. online web banners, Google key word search, display network or any other tools.

Low blue light content will be added up around November.

