2013年10月9日 星期三
BenQ W1500獲得法國媒體評測肯定 (BenQ W1500 good review in Diapason in France)
BenQ W1500家用投影機獲得法國高階影音雜誌Diapason評測肯定,包括高亮度、低噪音、合理價位與3D表現均受到肯定。
Diapason is considered as THE High-end Hi-Fi monthly magazine in France.
In September, they released a Home Cinema dedicated folder.
Please see attached W1500 results / score card.
“This PRJ is offering high class picture quality and feature package for less than 2000€”
Our results are as good as Panasonic PT-AT6000 (2x the price!)
The journalist highlighted :
No cross-talk in 3D
High Brightness
Noise level in normal mode
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