2012年10月8日 星期一

明基EW2430V液晶顯示器首獲中國產品碳中和證書 (BenQ’s EW2430V LCD monitor wins carbon neutrality certification in China)

明基所生產的EW2430V液晶顯示器在2011年下半年已是全球首個通過中國產品碳足跡查證的產品,2012年則再接再厲,於五月在國際碳交易市場上購得碳權後抵換EW2430V產品碳足跡,達成產品碳中和。此次明基購得之碳權源於「雲南馬關拉氣水電計畫(Yunnan Maguan Laqi Hydropower Project)」;屬於替代能源專案計畫所產生的碳權,此水電計畫也同是聯合國CDM與VCS註冊之減量計畫。

明基完成產品碳中和宣告後,由中國電子技術標準化研究所認證中心依據PAS2060:2010實施碳中和之規範(Specification for the demonstration of carbon neutrality)確證並頒證,而此張證書也是中國十二五計畫中產品碳中和試點計畫中,全球所發出的第一張證書。

BenQ’s EW2430V LCD monitor was the world’s first product to attain China’s PAS 2050 carbon footprint  certification, doing so in the latter half of 2011. Following up on this achievement, in May 2012, carbon credits that could be used as a EW2430V product carbon footprint offset became available for purchase on the international carbon exchange market. BenQ’s carbon credit originated with the Yunnan Maguan Laqi Hydropower Project, and is part of a program to find alternative energy sources. The hydropower project is also registered with the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism and Voluntary Carbon Standard programs.

After announcing completion of the carbon footprint offset, BenQ obtained certification from the China Electronic Standardization Institute for the latter’s “Specification for the demonstration of carbon neutrality” program. This certification is the world’s first granted by one of the carbon neutrality pilot projects in  China.

