2012年10月8日 星期一

BenQ台灣區舉辦VA液晶顯示器體驗會 (BenQ Taiwan holds VA LED monitor product hands-on)

人氣、口碑強強滾的VA LED液晶螢幕為讓消費者更加了解高對比的特色,以電影為名,於9/23舉辦之電影體驗會。現場邀請知名影評達人-彌勒熊老師,現身說法以精選知名電影片段來展現VA LED影音得生活應用,透過觀看電影來了解面板最大特性。而當天除了體驗極致VA面板的極致影音之外,精彩的電影內容也大大的提升了大家的文藝氣質,實用的體驗課程更在每個參加者的心中都留下了深刻的印象!

BenQ’s all-new VA LCD-based EW Platinum Series monitors offer super-high 5000:1 contrast ratio for stunning visuals that really pop, better rendering details in dimly lit areas of a scene, so users can enjoy a supreme viewing experience even in their own homes.

BenQ’s popular VA LED monitors with their excellent word of mouth is better acquainting consumers with the advantages of high contrast ratios. To broaden awareness, BenQ held a movie viewing on 23 September. At the venue, noted local film critic dodobear used clips from famous movies to show the features of VA LED panels and how they enhance the movie viewing experience. Besides giving the public a first-hand experience with the superb picture quality provided by the VA LCD panel, the event gave everyone the opportunity to see examples of master filmmaking, and the practical instruction on how to take advantage of VA LED monitors left a deep impression on those in attendance.

