2012年10月14日 星期日
BenQ China超極本疾速來襲 火爆黃金周國美大賣 (BenQ China has fast-seller during Golden Week with new ultrabook)
以極致纖薄為特色,擁有強大性能、強勁表現且開機迅如閃電的超極本,問世以來深受消費者矚目。全球知名3C領導品牌BenQ於節前正式發佈首款超極本Joybook X41,此外,為推動超極本全面普及,同時因應中秋國慶雙節與十一黃金周來臨,攜手國美電器于網路商城和實體連鎖店面震撼首發!短短十一黃金周裡,首波發售的BenQ超極本X41在國美電器網上商城上幾乎被搶購一空,產品銷量穩居超極本類榜首。
With its incredibly slim form, superb performance and features, and speedy startup, BenQ’s new ultrabook, the Joybook X41, has gained much attention from consumers. One of China’s leading 3C brands, BenQ officially announced its first ultrabook, the Joybook X41, just before the recent Golden Week holidays. To facilitate widespread adoption, BenQ China teamed up with Gome, operator of both a popular shopping website and retail chain, for the ultrabook’s launch, which was timed to coincide with the approach of the Autumn Moon Festival and National Day holidays, known as Golden Week. During the Golden Week holiday season, virtually of the X41 units available through Gome’s website were purchased, enabling the model to top the ultrabook sales rankings.
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