2012年10月11日 星期四
BenQ G1廣告banner在俄羅斯 (BenQ G1 Russia banner campaign)
BenQ G1廣告banner在俄羅斯上線,已在當地各大網站投放,以拍攝孩子吸引目標群眾的目光。
On the left you can see a banner and if you click on it you need to solve a puzzle of a baby. When you finished the puzzle, BenQ G1 pops up and if you click on the banner you will be directed to the BenQ Russian website to find all G1 product information and especially the video with the ‘Tips’ how to photograph babies.
This activity is a great example of G1 promotion on local level regarding social network engagement and perfectly relates to our marketing strategy direction. Please look for similar activities on local level for G1 promotion and engage them since now it is the time to receive some very good results for G1 exposure!
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