2012年10月14日 星期日
BenQ TFE WCG重慶賽區奪冠 (BenQ TFE takes WCG championship in Chongqing regional tournament)
時隔兩年,中國CS的領袖人物,偉大的指揮官Alex將重回WCG的戰場。日前,WCG的全國分站賽已全部結束,Alex在重歸CS賽場後,帶領BENQ TFE四名小將在WCG重慶賽區突出重圍,勇奪分站賽冠軍,順利拿到WCG2012中國總決賽的門票。10月26日,BENQ TFE將在上海光大會展中心與TYLOO,ETENG,NEW4等國內知名戰隊同場競技,爭奪WCG2012世界總決賽門票!
After a two-year absence, Alex—a leading figure in China’s CS gaming circles and revered commander—returned to WCG tournament play. Recently, regional WCG tournaments throughout China came to an end, and with his return to CS matchplay, Alex led the four members of the BenQ TFE team to a championship in the Chongqing regionals, earning the right to compete for the WCG2012 Chinese national championship. On 26 October, BenQ TFE will match skills against famed teams like TYLOO, ETENG, and NEW4 at the Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center for the right to represent China at WCG 2012 Grand Final.
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