2012年10月14日 星期日

BenQ自拍神器G1中國地區火爆熱銷 (BenQ’s self-portrait specialist, the G1, sees hot sales in China)

全球最輕薄F1.8大光圈BenQ G1的誕生,徹底改變國貨相機在人們心目中的刻板印象,在知名購物網站淘寶網上,BenQ G1相機最近一周成交情況就非常熱絡。尤其白色款G1因外觀時尚亮眼,受到很多女性用戶青睞。

The introduction of the world’s slimmest F1.8 bright-lens camera, BenQ’s G1, has completely overturned people’s stereotypes about domestically produced cameras. On the popular Taobao shopping website, the G1 achieved extremely high sales during the most recent week. The white version with chic eye-catching aesthetics has proved to be especially appealing to many female users.

