BenQ數位相機10月發表搭載CMOS感光元件的輕薄隨身LR系列,首支機種LR100配備1400萬畫素CMOS感光元件,具備1080p Full HD全高畫質錄影,並支援5倍光學變焦,同時亦提升連拍速度,具備每秒7張之極速快拍功能,加上1秒快速開機,適合新手爸媽捕捉好動寶寶的任何精彩成長時刻。除此之外,LR100內建多種特殊濾鏡效果,在拍照與錄影中皆能套用不同模式,想要簡單拍出詩情畫意的手製微電影,一個快捷鍵就搞定!輕巧機身僅有100克,是款兼具多種實用與趣味功能的好攜隨身機,LR100讓隨手拍照、錄影更輕鬆寫意。
In October, BenQ launched the LR camera series, extra-compact models with CMOS sensors. The first model in the series, the LR100, has a 14-megapixel CMOS sensor, and is capable of shooting 1080p Full HD video. In addition, the new camera supports 5x optical zoom, an enhanced burst mode that enables it to take seven photos per second, and the ability to start up in just one second. Together, these features make the LR100 ideal for users like first-time parents wishing to record moments in their newborn’s life. In addition, the LR100 includes a variety of special filter effects. Users can take advantage of different modes when taking photos or filming videos. Just a single button press and the LR100 is ready to shoot an arty mini-movie or gallery-worthy image. With its sleek and slim housing, the LR100 weighs in at just 100 grams, making it a camera that not only incorporates a number of useful and fun features, but that is also eminently easy to carry.
2012年10月8日 星期一
支援1080p Full HD錄影以及極速快拍BenQ 數位相機LR100上市 (LR100, new camera supporting 1080p Full HD video recording and super-fast burst mode, launches)
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