2012年10月10日 星期三

中東杜拜BenQ G1上市發表會 (G1 media launch event in Dubai)

九月中,BenQ G1在杜拜上市,數十家媒體參加上市發表會並且對它的大光圈特色深感讚賞,至今已有31篇媒體露出,擴大了BenQ在中東的知名度與影響力。

On Sep. 17th, BenQ Middle East conducted a press conference to introduce our new hero product, G1 camera along with full lineup BenQ camera display.  60 attendants from 45 different media attended the meeting to learn BenQ cameras. To let media real experience G1’s fantastic features, BenQ Middle East specially arranged 2 different scenario settings where guests could try out G1 F1.8 lens and swivel screen.  All the participants had fun with G1 and were impressed by its performance; till now 31 clippings were collected and we expect more in-depth product reviews soon.

