Knowing BenQ

新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富Knowing BenQ,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。

Knowing BenQ

Global news about BenQ product, staff activities, corporate culture and marketing activities

Knowing BenQ

新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富Knowing BenQ,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。

2012年10月14日 星期日

BenQ G1夏末繽紛幻想主題模特外拍活動持續升溫 (BenQ keeps the end of summer hot with G1 photo session featuring live models)

BenQ China G1體驗外拍活動,0距離接觸、0距離感受旋轉屏大光圈相機帶來的玩拍樂趣。首先瞄準華東地區最具活力的生活互動社區寬頻山,招募貼正式上線,參與其中的達到1422人次,其中10人進行外拍試用,留下許多精美圖片。

BenQ China’s photo shoot with the G1 featuring live models gave users a chance to experience the fun possible with a swivel-screen bright-lens camera up close and personal. The most active online lifestyle community in eastern China, KDSlife, was targeted, and when event invitation went up, it attracted 1422 views. From those viewing the event information, ten participated in the actual product hands-on event, taking many spectacular shots.

BenQ G1超薄DC登錄中國蜂鳥網體驗專題 (BenQ’s ultra-thin G1 digital camera featured on leading Chinese website)

蜂鳥網作為最專業的攝影類網站,集合了當下最專業,最活躍的攝影愛好者,攝影發燒友,蜂鳥網也是目前最專業的攝影門戶網。此外,蜂鳥網對G1做了全方位的評測以及試用。, the most sophisticated of China’s photography-themed websites, recently conducted comprehensive testing and published a hands-on review of the G1. The site attracts the most professional and active photography enthusiasts, and is also the leading photography portal site.

BenQ代表蘇州高新區優秀企業參展「蘇州名優新品武漢展銷會」 (BenQ makes splash at Suzhou trade fair)


From 18 to 20 September, BenQ participated in the Suzhou Distinguished New Products Trade Fair in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China as an outstanding company representing Suzhou’s Gaoxin District. At the venue, BenQ not only exhibited its Candy series, but also showcased its LED-backlit VA-LCD and gaming monitors. Consumers in attendance showed strong interest in BenQ’s digital products.

BenQ China黑銳麗家族線下體驗活動現場火爆 (BenQ China holds popular product hands-on event for VA LED monitor series)

9月22日,借助ZOL媒體平臺,BenQ China成功合作舉行了BenQ黑銳麗家族線下體驗活動,通過講解+互動+PK深入淺出的詮釋黑銳麗。本次體驗會實際到場有28名IT發燒友及顯示器達人,超計畫人數40%。活動的3小時內,現場氣氛熱烈。

On 22 September, with the help of the ZOL media platform, BenQ China held a successful product hands-on event for the VA LED monitor series. The event combined oral presentations, direct interaction with consumers, and of course hands-on time with the monitors to give consumers a better sense about what makes the VA LED series special. 28 IT enthusiasts and monitor gurus attended the event—40% more than had been planned for. The atmosphere remained lively throughout the three hours that the event lasted.

BenQ電勁王XL2410T易迅中國地區狂促 (BenQ’s XL2410T gaming monitor target of strong sales campaign in China)


With the end of China’s extended National Day holidays, many discounted products have returned to their original pricing. However, aggressive sales promotions for BenQ’s XL2410T gaming monitor continued on the popular website.

BenQ TFE WCG重慶賽區奪冠 (BenQ TFE takes WCG championship in Chongqing regional tournament)

時隔兩年,中國CS的領袖人物,偉大的指揮官Alex將重回WCG的戰場。日前,WCG的全國分站賽已全部結束,Alex在重歸CS賽場後,帶領BENQ TFE四名小將在WCG重慶賽區突出重圍,勇奪分站賽冠軍,順利拿到WCG2012中國總決賽的門票。10月26日,BENQ TFE將在上海光大會展中心與TYLOO,ETENG,NEW4等國內知名戰隊同場競技,爭奪WCG2012世界總決賽門票!

After a two-year absence, Alex—a leading figure in China’s CS gaming circles and revered commander—returned to WCG tournament play. Recently, regional WCG tournaments throughout China came to an end, and with his return to CS matchplay, Alex led the four members of the BenQ TFE team to a championship in the Chongqing regionals, earning the right to compete for the WCG2012 Chinese national championship. On 26 October, BenQ TFE will match skills against famed teams like TYLOO, ETENG, and NEW4 at the Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center for the right to represent China at WCG 2012 Grand Final.

BenQ遊戲顯示器贊助WCS亞洲錦標賽 (BenQ sponsors WCS Asia tournament)

《星際爭霸2》亞洲錦標賽(WCS ASIA)彙聚於來自與中國大陸、臺灣地區、韓國及東亞地區的32位元頂尖《星際爭霸2》選手前來參加角逐「亞洲最強」之名。在這個群雄彙聚的賽事上,所選用的電競裝備自然是最專業的。而顯示器作為高手們與主機之間的橋樑,其影響比賽的作用越來越被重視。本次WCS亞洲錦標賽上,組委會決定採用全球最頂級遊戲液晶——BenQ電競遊戲顯示器RL2450HT與XL2420T供參賽選手們使用。其強悍的性能讓選手們沒有任何顧慮,盡情發揮出他們的專業水準,也大大提升本次比賽的觀賞性。

32 premier StarCraft 2 aces from China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia gathered for the WCS Asia championships to battle for the title of Asia’s mightiest. During the matches, the equipment used by these elite gamers was of course the most professional. As the bridge between the gamers and the machine, monitors have gained greater and greater attention from gamers for their influence on matchplay. At this year’s WCS Asia tournament, the organizers decide to provide the world’s most premium gaming LCD monitors—BenQ’s RL2450HT and XL2420T—for use during the matches. These monitors’ powerful performance enabled competitors to match wits and skills without equipment concerns, showing the full extent of their gaming prowess, while enhancing the viewing experience for spectators as well.

BenQ China超極本疾速來襲 火爆黃金周國美大賣 (BenQ China has fast-seller during Golden Week with new ultrabook)

以極致纖薄為特色,擁有強大性能、強勁表現且開機迅如閃電的超極本,問世以來深受消費者矚目。全球知名3C領導品牌BenQ於節前正式發佈首款超極本Joybook X41,此外,為推動超極本全面普及,同時因應中秋國慶雙節與十一黃金周來臨,攜手國美電器于網路商城和實體連鎖店面震撼首發!短短十一黃金周裡,首波發售的BenQ超極本X41在國美電器網上商城上幾乎被搶購一空,產品銷量穩居超極本類榜首。

With its incredibly slim form, superb performance and features, and speedy startup, BenQ’s new ultrabook, the Joybook X41, has gained much attention from consumers. One of China’s leading 3C brands, BenQ officially announced its first ultrabook, the Joybook X41, just before the recent Golden Week holidays. To facilitate widespread adoption, BenQ China teamed up with Gome, operator of both a popular shopping website and retail chain, for the ultrabook’s launch, which was timed to coincide with the approach of the Autumn Moon Festival and National Day holidays, known as Golden Week. During the Golden Week holiday season, virtually of the X41 units available through Gome’s website were purchased, enabling the model to top the ultrabook sales rankings.

BenQ自拍神器G1中國地區火爆熱銷 (BenQ’s self-portrait specialist, the G1, sees hot sales in China)

全球最輕薄F1.8大光圈BenQ G1的誕生,徹底改變國貨相機在人們心目中的刻板印象,在知名購物網站淘寶網上,BenQ G1相機最近一周成交情況就非常熱絡。尤其白色款G1因外觀時尚亮眼,受到很多女性用戶青睞。

The introduction of the world’s slimmest F1.8 bright-lens camera, BenQ’s G1, has completely overturned people’s stereotypes about domestically produced cameras. On the popular Taobao shopping website, the G1 achieved extremely high sales during the most recent week. The white version with chic eye-catching aesthetics has proved to be especially appealing to many female users.

BenQ短焦投影機亮相山東煙臺教育裝備博覽會 (BenQ’s short-throw projectors make appearance at Shandong education equipment expo)


From 15 to 17 September, an annual education equipment exhibition took place at the Yantai International Expo Center in China’s Shandong Province. This year’s edition of the show was the largest ever, with more than 450 vendors exhibiting. Of special note was the large number of distributors and system integrators present to exhibit digital school solutions providing cloud-based interactive instruction and wireless data management. The world’s leading brand for DLP projectors, BenQ jointly exhibited with partner Shanghai’s HSJC and served as one of the expo’s main sponsors. At the venue, BenQ’s education-oriented short throw and ultra-short throw projectors were featured in demos of interactive instruction solutions, giving them a high level of visibility during the expo.

夢想之旅X快樂科技 BenQ投影機贊助上海「一克拉的夢想」當代美學展 (BenQ sponsors Stay Real Dreams contemporary art exhibition in Shanghai)


This exhibition showcased the creative work of the members of the popular Taiwanese rock band Mayday. These works spanned a variety of forms including music, design, photography, and graphics. As one of the world’s leading projector brands, BenQ was able to provide a series of high-luminance short-throw projectors, including the Full HD SP891, the TX762ST, the business-oriented MX763, and the Full HD 3D W7000 for use in different exhibition areas. Mayday vocalist Ashin exhibited a series of installation art pieces using the Earth as the design theme, and his unique creative sense and sculptural design techniques were highlighted by the advanced optical technology of BenQ’s projectors, giving visitors amazingly immersive video and an unprecedented interactive experience.

2012年10月12日 星期五

明基三豐醫療器材將於十一月參加德國MEDICA第44屆國際醫療展 (Meet BenQ Medical Technology Corporation at MEDICA 2012)

時間:2012年11月14日至17日  地點:德國 杜塞道夫



Meet BenQ Medical Technology Corporation at MEDICA 2012, World Forum for Medicine, International Trade Fair with Congress, November 14-17, at booth 13/E08
in Dusseldorf, Germany.

MEDICA is the world leader amongst medical trade fairs. It is characterized by its high level of international exposure. About one half of the visitors and nearly two third of the exhibitors come from abroad. Over 137,000 visitors availed of the opportunity to gain a personal overview of the latest developments in their professional field of activity at the pre-eminent event of the entire medical world. It was evident once again that specialists who wish to remain up-to date in the area of outpatient and inpatient care won’t miss MEDICA. You are welcome to visit our booth at 2012MEDICA / BenQ Medical Technology Corporation in Germany.

Booth No: 13/E08
during in Nov. 14-17, 2012
Address: Dusseldorf GERMANY

BenQ參加英國insomnia電競活動 (BenQ joined UK insomnia 46 event)


Insomnia is a gaming event for all ages, where gamers and industry leaders alike come together to celebrate games in all their forms. The event i46 ran from 24 Aug – 27 Aug 2012.

For many gamers in the UK, and indeed Europe and beyond, the Insomnia LAN is now a British institution and staple part of the gaming calendar, with the event playing host to some of the biggest eSports tournaments in Europe, and annual host of the UK qualifiers for the World Cyber Games. The event, held 3 times a year at The International Centre in Telford, accommodates over 3000 gamers for 5 days; it’s certainly grown from it’s humble beginnings of no more than 50 all playing off one 10mb switch! In the last 14 years we have ran over 120 LAN events, given away over £420,000 in prize money and welcomed over 85,000 gamers through our doors! In the Winter of 2011, our insomnia 44 video coverage of the event topped 2.2 million views!

BenQ joined on booth of distributor CCL Computers at this Insomnia 46 event.

BenQ XL電競螢幕開箱影片來囉 (Rechyyy co-op XL2420T box opening video)


Below an online cooperation with RECHYYY:A few month ago we started with an unboxing video. Now he produced a Backcam video.

BenQ Logo linked to BenQ Gaming Microsite (
Investment: 1x XL2420T
Battlefield 3 with Backcam
22.500 views within 3 weeks

Please find attached a link to the XL2420T unboxing video from Stefan Rech:

- 17.500 clicks
- 705 positive reviews

Feedback from Stefans followers: 30-40 gamer bought the XL2420T after they have seen the unboxing video.

Stefans youtube channel incl. BenQ Branding:

- 21.430.308 clicks

2012年10月11日 星期四

BenQ America九月教育市場業績優良 (BenQ America achieved editorials products second highest month in September 2012)

BenQ America九月教育市場業績優良,達到年度第二高的佳績。
BenQ America achieved editorials products second highest month in September 2012

BenQ LW60ST獲得北美媒體獎項肯定 (BenQ LW60ST awarded Excellent Rating in PC Magazine)

北美雜誌PC Magazine肯定BenQ LW60ST表現,給予 Excellent Rating的評價。

PC Magazine awarded Excellent Rating to BenQ LW60ST, see news below:,2817,2409641,00.asp

BenQ以更多新方式吸引顧客 (BenQ Rolled out 5 Series projectors at retail stores)

BenQ在北美零售商店推出新款投影機,並以創新的QR Code行銷手法提升客戶服務!
BenQ Rolled out 5 Series projectors at retail in Canada, US in October; created in-store stickers on product with QR codes.

BenQ 贊助派拉蒙電影活動(BenQ product promotion allied with Paramount)

 BenQ 贊助派拉蒙電影《Hugo》行銷活動,贊助四項產品獲得相當大的品牌曝光。

Mexico allied with  Paramount, in the promotion of the movie Hugo en DVD, Blu Ray and Blu Ray 3D. Through a game in Facebook with Paramount, where only the people who bought the movie could participate and BenQ gave away 4 prizes”: 1st. place W710ST, 2nd. GP2, 3rd. GH700 and 4th. GH600. This promotion started in July, however, last Oct 5th were awarded the 1st and 2nd place. 

BenQ參加瓜地馬拉電子經銷展 (BenQ attended Guatemala Comtech 2012)

Comtech, BenQ distributor organizes every year the largest technological exhibition of Central America in Nicaragua. It lasted 2 days and  more than 2,000 people assisted.
This was the 8th consecutive year it was hold and the key topic was technology for education. Different technological institutes from all over Nicaragua assisted, including universities, schools and technical institutes.

BenQ參加宏都拉斯展覽會 (BenQ joined Honduras Acosa event)

BenQ參加宏都拉斯的「back to school」展覽,我們向250位參加者秀出BenQ數位相機和投影機的特色。
This “back to school” event lasted a week in two of the most important cities in Honduras.
250 people assisted and we closed many deals for the coming quarter.
Fun pics were taken with the customers to promote DSC and a wireless projection was set up to promote PRJ.

BenQ 參加Cartimex科技展 (BenQ joined Ecuador Cartimex Event)

BenQ 參加Cartimex科技展 ,我們展出數位相機、投影機、顯示器等產品。

Event organized by  Cartimex. 200 people attended. Different brands participated: BenQ, Extratech, AOC, LG, Samsung, Lexmark, Epson.
We had the opportunity to show our product to new audiences for the brand and we sold some to these users. The main achievement was the sell of 40 units of MX660P.

BenQ Latin America 推出臉書新遊戲 (BenQ Latin America launched a new game)

BenQ Latin America 推出臉書新遊戲「 Challenge GAMER 」來推廣螢幕產品。

BenQ Latin America launched a new game targeted at LCDs called “ Challenge_GAMER”

BenQ參加莫斯科Igromir 電競展 (Igromir gaming expo in Moscow)

十月份,BenQ參加莫斯科Igromir 電競展,BenQ所贊助的各大電競隊伍也參加這次盛會,強化BenQ在電競專業領域的品牌形象。
October, from 4 to 7, in Korokus Expo there was an exhibition IGROMIR – biggest gaming event in Russia (more then 95 000 visitors!), participant to which among others, was the company BenQ. On this exhibition, the stands Intel, and Tehnomir company BenQ introduced the cult gaming monitors, which visited Igromir could test their capabilities and compete with professional players from VirtusPro (CS female team,  SC male team)

Igromir is first full-scale exhibition in Russia for all fans of interactive entertainment. It is a fascinating tour of the virtual worlds and real emotions, the ability to evaluate before other gaming news and to see the people who make them.

Link to schedule during Igormir:

BenQ在中歐大學安裝藍光投影機 (BenQ laser projector installations at Central Europe universities)


BenQ laser projector installations at Central Europe universities, including Croatia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland schools.

BenQ 在俄羅斯聖彼得堡學院安裝藍光投影機 (LW61ST projectors in the St. Petersburg college)

Recently the college  #281 of the Admiralty district of St. Petersburg was added in this list by adding installation of 8 projectors BenQ LW61ST.
Interesting fact about this college: one of the most successful and famous graduating student of it is the current president of Russia - Vladimir Putin.

BenQ G1 在歐洲獲得好評 (BenQ G1 review & awards in Europe)

BenQ G1 在歐洲多個網路媒體與雜誌獲得好評,更獲得消費者的注意!

G1 review – (Germany)
Furthermore we received a great G1 review video from Guido which you can view below. This is truly a perfect way for G1 promotion / introduction!

G1 review – PCWelt @ IFA 2012 (Germany)
In addition to the video above, we also received a great video from Guido from the IFA 2012 event (preview) of most exciting products. Also at this event, the BenQ G1 is highlighted! As you know, during this preview IFA 2012 event we received the prestigious IFA Preview award for G1!

G1 media review – (Russia)
Furthermore I would also like to highlight the following G1 detailed review with video from the F1CD media in Russia. As you can see, more than 9400 views already!!

BenQ參加阿姆斯特丹資訊展 (BenQ attended Amsterdam Presszone 2012 event)


As a start, BenQ DSC was present in the Netherlands during Presszone event in Amsterdam. 20 vendors joined this event including Sony & HTC for example. More than 100 press attended like Pres groep, Top Gear magazine, Computer Idee,,, ComputerTotaal, & Gadgetgear which were all very interested in our G1 camera especially! During this event we showed G1, GH200, GH600, LM100, LR100 to the press and they were really enthusiastic. Also, Presszone created a very nice movie in which they are highlighting the special products on the event. Off course they highlight BenQ G1 camera!

BenQ LED大型廣告看板閃亮布達佩斯 (BenQ LED Wall Advertising Budapest)

BenQ LED大型廣告看板在今年七到九月閃亮匈牙利布達佩斯,放大品牌能見度。
BenQ LED Wall Advertising Budapest

Country: Hungary
Date: July-Sep
Opportunity grab for communication on a highly frequented road.

BenQ G1廣告banner在俄羅斯 (BenQ G1 Russia banner campaign)

BenQ G1廣告banner在俄羅斯上線,已在當地各大網站投放,以拍攝孩子吸引目標群眾的目光。

On the left you can see a banner and if you click on it you need to solve a puzzle of a baby. When you finished the puzzle, BenQ G1 pops up and if you click on the banner you will be directed to the BenQ Russian website to find all G1 product information and especially the video with the ‘Tips’ how to photograph babies.

This activity is a great example of G1 promotion on local level regarding social network engagement and perfectly relates to our marketing strategy direction. Please look for similar activities on local level for G1 promotion and engage them since now it is the time to receive some very good results for G1 exposure!

BenQ G1教學影片歐洲上線 (BenQ Europe developed a new G1 ‘teaser’ video)

由歐洲推出的BenQ G1教學影片上線,片中指出BenQ G1各項特色並且以簡單的教學讓使用者和G1更親近!

BenQ Europe developed a new G1 ‘teaser’ video. This video is meant to perceive a special and emotional feeling about G1 which triggers the interest of the viewer. In addition to this video, we already shared the 6-Tip video to you before which is as you know supplying 6 Professional Tips for photographing babies. Each Tip is now also available in separate videos.

BenQ參加Firstlook 2012電競活動 (The Netherlands: Firstlook gaming event)

BenQ在Firstlook 2012電競大會中,贊助並展出BenQ XL系列電競螢幕,吸引現場玩家注意!

Firstlook 2012 – biggest gaming event in Benelux with 16,000 visitors in 2 days. Held on October 6th and 7th in Jaarbeurs Utrecht, The Netherlands. This fair is all about games, gadgets and gears. BenQ was present on booth of CM Storm by Cooler Master with our XL-series gaming monitors.

BenQ與夥伴共進商務早餐(BenQ Bechtle Business Breakfast with Bechtle direct Sales Team )

BenQ invited the Bechtle direct Sales Team to a Business Breakfast to showcase the latest BenQ Innovations. More than 120 sales people took part.

與BenQ歐洲夥伴同樂(BenQ Partner Event AT / Malta )

BenQ和通路經銷夥伴們在馬爾他度過了愉快的休閒時光,也更加鞏固了與夥伴的關係與信任!  29. - 31.08. – Malta
Quad- and Sightseeing-plane-Tour
Chill-out-Session Beach-Club

Within 2 month before the event started
3 Teaser mailings led the customers to the 
destination and the activities

The ‘BenQ meets friends’ partner event took place on Malta, one of the Mediterranean’s most beautiful islands. In front of this scenic backdrop BenQ’s partners were able to enjoy some days with very varied activities and lap up the sun, sea and the special flair of this Balearic island. Highlight was a Quad tour through the breathtaking landscape of Gozo and a sightseeing flight with a Cessna.

BenQ在歐洲市場維持投影機前三名成績 (BenQ remains an overall TOP 3 projector brand)


BenQ is ranked in 22 European countries with a TOP 3 position and still being strong in more developed market regions like Central Eastern Europe, DACH and Scandinavia. According to FutureSource Q2 2012, BenQ is the bestselling projector brand in 8 countries, while it holds the runner up position in 6 countries and takes the third place in 8 countries.

2012年10月10日 星期三

中東杜拜BenQ G1上市發表會 (G1 media launch event in Dubai)

九月中,BenQ G1在杜拜上市,數十家媒體參加上市發表會並且對它的大光圈特色深感讚賞,至今已有31篇媒體露出,擴大了BenQ在中東的知名度與影響力。

On Sep. 17th, BenQ Middle East conducted a press conference to introduce our new hero product, G1 camera along with full lineup BenQ camera display.  60 attendants from 45 different media attended the meeting to learn BenQ cameras. To let media real experience G1’s fantastic features, BenQ Middle East specially arranged 2 different scenario settings where guests could try out G1 F1.8 lens and swivel screen.  All the participants had fun with G1 and were impressed by its performance; till now 31 clippings were collected and we expect more in-depth product reviews soon.

BenQ投影機體驗活動在土耳其舉辦 (Video projector experience event at BenQ Turkey Office)

To adhere to the business strategy of promoting video projector and to target at the top 3 video projector positioning in Turkey, BenQ Turkey hosted a video projector experience event at their office on Sep 27th. 10 IT & lifestyle bloggers were invited via  Facebook recruitment. At the event, full lineup video projector was introduced; while W710ST demonstration with Playstation for gaming scenario, and “Betman” movie watching were arranged.  Bloggers were attacted by the short-throw distance and big screen fun, and they are sharing their experience via Facebook and blogs.

BenQ參加泰國影音器材展售會 (BenQ Thailand’s continuously effort on marketing video projector at AV show)


BenQ Thailand joined What Audio-Video Sales event at Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok from Sep. 27th to 30th. It’s the second AV show we participated to enhance brand preference to the consumers interested in high-end audio-video prodcuts. The event attracted around 8,000 visitors, who could try out full range of BenQ video projectors and also our new start, GP10. Visitors were surprised with the 3D vivid color and high contrast picture projected by W7000, and more showed strong interest on GP10 for its mobility.

BenQ WXGA投影機韓國行銷活動 (WXGA projector marketing campaign was on in Korea)


To seize the grwoing trend of WXGA segment, BenQ Korea kicks off  WXGA projector marketing campaign from Sep 7th onwards. BenQ Korea targets at SMB & Corp. users and regards PR and online marketing as the main communication tools.
Hero products MW712 and MW519 press release was done, followed by users’ review and banner ads on major eCommerce sites.  CSR program to donate one WM519 to none-profit organization will be announced and conducted via Facebook.

Key features of BenQ WXGA projectors was introduced via some daily scenarios, which enable the target audience to catch the wide-fromat benefits.  After running web banner on EC site for three weeks, currently BenQ Korea has received good sell-out numbers. It’s good to see NS following the company’s direction and gain good sales result.

BenQ India參加DIDAC教育展 (BenQ India showcased total display solution at World DIDAC)

BenQ India參加印度最大的DIDAC教育展,包括BenQ的投影機、數位相機、IFP面板都在展出行列。

BenQ India participated in World DIDAC India from Sep 19th to 21st, which is the country’s largest exhibition for educational supplies, training, technology and didactic material. BenQ full lineup projectors, document camera together with IFP, monitors and TVs were live demonstrated with “BenQ, India’s No. 1 Projector Brand” message.

In three days, around 15,000 people visiting World DIDAC, where BenQ India met potential customers and collected 300+ contacts for future business opportunities.  At BenQ booth, our innovative technologies were completed introduced through different scenarios and applications. We had IFP running for interactive learning at classroom, SmartEco technology with MX815PST to tell people how much energy could be saved, and LW61ST showing leading BlueCore light source.  Also 3D and ultra short throw models with IWB demostrated inspiring learning environment. Moreover, in each scenario, there were a clear theme, a key advantage, a scenario graphic, spec card, and product live demonstration to present a complete concept. Visitors were quite impressed by the total display solution BenQ provided for schools.

BenQ 贊助Grubby接受韓國電競媒體專訪 (Grubby was interviewed by PlayXP in Korea)

BenQ 贊助的IEM電競第七季大使Grubby在九月訪問韓國,並且接受專業電競線上媒體PlayXP專訪,擴大東北亞地區對BenQ電競產品的認識。

Our IEM Season 7 ambassador, Manuel “Grubby”Schenkhuizen, visited Seoul from 2nd to 19th September to commentate for OGN (OSL StarCraft 2 League). In order to maximize Grubby’s influence and promote our gaming monitor through IEM 7 sponsorship, BenQ Korea took advantage of this chance to arrange a media interview for Grubby. PlayXP ( is a gaming forum with 100k visitors per month, showed their interest and took interview with Grubby. Besides exposure on PlayXP website, the detailed interview footage with English subtitle can be watched on as well.

BenQ在菲律賓推出GW系列顯示器 (BenQ launched VA LED GW series in the Philippines)

BenQ在菲律賓推出GW系列顯示器,並在馬尼拉舉辦盛大的媒體邀請會,一舉擴大BenQ顯示器在菲律賓的能見度。加強當地民眾對VA LED顯示器的認識。

Seeing is believing! It’s much easier to convince media and channel partners that VA panel brings better visual experience via a decent live demonstration. On 13rd of September, over 50 media/bloggers/photographers and 70 channel partners were invited to attend our VA LED GW series launch event in Manila. The full range VA LED monitors were showcased, and all participants can easily tell the differences between VA panel and TN panel when checking the side-by-side comparison area with GL and GW series.

We also invited one famous photographer and one movie director to share why they choose BenQ VA LED monitor to display their masterpieces. The high negative contrast ratio, true black and vivid colors are much appreciated, GW series is the best monitor for photo-viewing and movie-watching. With professionals’ endorsement, the benefits of VA panel can be delivered and memorized clearly.

BenQ XL2420T在東京電玩展現身 (BenQ Japan showcased XL2420T ultimate gaming monitors at Tokyo Game Show 2012)

為了強化BenQ電競螢幕的品牌力量,BenQ Japan贊助東京電玩展Asia e-Sport Cup 2012,讓更多電競玩家能夠現場感受XL2420T的不同。

In order to reinforce the image of “XL2420T, The Official Global eSports Tournament Monitor”, BenQ Japan sponsored Asia e-Sport Cup 2012, which was organized by CyAC and held at Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2012 from September 20th to 23rd in Japan. This year, TGS attracted the highest total number of 223,753 visitors, and over 26,000 visitors stopped by CyAC booth to enjoy the AEC event and experience the performance of XL2420T.

Gamers from different countries got together at AEC booth to fight for champion with XL2420Ts. They enjoyed the excellent display features provided by BenQ for e-Sports. And through “touch & feel“ XL2420T, many spectators were also impressed by the features of Black eQualizer and S.Switch, and totally convinced that XL2420T makes the ultimate kill machine for gaming victory.

2012年10月8日 星期一

明基逐鹿參加經濟部中小企業處「雲端大趨勢」論壇 (BenQ Guru takes part in seminar on cloud computing trends)




Taiwan’s Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs commissioned CISA (Information Service Association of R.O.C.) and the Commercial Times to organize a seminar on cloud computing trends at the Kaohsiung Software Park on 4 October. The topic for discussion will be how smaller businesses can stay abreast of cloud computing trends, actively participating in and speeding the pace of adoption of cloud-based services in the industry chain.

One of the featured speakers, author Eric Wu was slated to give a presentation on how to use cloud applications to understand how to find potential customers. BenQ Guru vice president Joshua Tzeng was to speak about developmental trends in enterprise cloud services, discussing how smaller businesses can use limited investments in cloud computing to create unlimited growth possibilities. Finally, successful online marketing entrepreneur Ruan Qi-wei was to share his experiences on moving from manual order-taking to an all-digital system.

At the seminar venue, BenQ Guru will offer compelling views on and analysis of the ecosystem of small businesses, their challenges, and strategic approaches as related to cloud computing. It was hoped that all the business partners in attendance could take advantage of emerging cloud services, and create highly product business opportunities thereby.

支援1080p Full HD錄影以及極速快拍BenQ 數位相機LR100上市 (LR100, new camera supporting 1080p Full HD video recording and super-fast burst mode, launches)

BenQ數位相機10月發表搭載CMOS感光元件的輕薄隨身LR系列,首支機種LR100配備1400萬畫素CMOS感光元件,具備1080p Full HD全高畫質錄影,並支援5倍光學變焦,同時亦提升連拍速度,具備每秒7張之極速快拍功能,加上1秒快速開機,適合新手爸媽捕捉好動寶寶的任何精彩成長時刻。除此之外,LR100內建多種特殊濾鏡效果,在拍照與錄影中皆能套用不同模式,想要簡單拍出詩情畫意的手製微電影,一個快捷鍵就搞定!輕巧機身僅有100克,是款兼具多種實用與趣味功能的好攜隨身機,LR100讓隨手拍照、錄影更輕鬆寫意。

In October, BenQ launched the LR camera series, extra-compact models with CMOS sensors. The first model in the series, the LR100, has a 14-megapixel CMOS sensor, and is capable of shooting 1080p Full HD video. In addition, the new camera supports 5x optical zoom, an enhanced burst mode that enables it to take seven photos per second, and the ability to start up in just one second. Together, these features make the LR100 ideal for users like first-time parents wishing to record moments in their newborn’s life. In addition, the LR100 includes a variety of special filter effects. Users can take advantage of different modes when taking photos or filming videos. Just a single button press and the LR100 is ready to shoot an arty mini-movie or gallery-worthy image. With its sleek and slim housing, the LR100 weighs in at just 100 grams, making it a camera that not only incorporates a number of useful and fun features, but that is also eminently easy to carry.



BenQ Corporation has worked hard to implement policies designed to conserve energy and reduce carbon footprints, comprehensively applying green values in its products and operations. As a testament to these efforts, its LED illumination products and interactive large-screen monitors have won a Taiwan Green Classics Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. BenQ is dedicated to building a complete green supply chain, continuing its progress toward becoming a green brand and fully realizing its goal of facilitating a low-carbon lifestyle for all.

BenQ台灣區電競螢幕重裝上陣 指標商圈開學季體驗活動開打 (BenQ Taiwan updates gaming monitor lineup, with promotion event creating momentum as new school year begins)

BenQ台灣區於暑假最後尾聲學生準備開學之際,於9/15 (六)起至9/22 (六)於台北指標商圈:新光華廣場舉辦體驗展售活動,讓喜好電競的玩家能夠親身體驗BenQ內建獨家黑平衡功能電競螢幕的神奇魅力。開幕當天並邀請高人氣指數的女子電競戰隊「華義PB Girl」站台,讓大家一起來感受這熱血奔騰的活動。

With students preparing for their return to school, BenQ Taiwan held a product hands-on and sales event from 15 to 22 September at Taipei’s popular Guanghua electronics mall. Gaming enthusiasts were able to experience in person the incredible viewing on BenQ’s gaming monitors with their exclusive black balance feature. For the opening day, BenQ invited popular gaming team PB Girl to make an onstage appearance, creating buzz around the event.

QisDesign巴黎傢飾展(Maison et Objet) 展覽回顧 (QisDesign Exhibition in Maison et Objet, Paris)

謝謝眾多朋友的支持,QisDesign第四度在巴黎傢飾展展覽活動已圓滿落幕。無論是新品BE Light立燈或繽紛色彩的Flamenca,在會場上皆是注目的焦點!
We had so much fun during M&O in Paris! Thank you all for visiting QisDesign and sharing your passion for design with us. We are so inspired this year in Paris!

BenQ台灣區舉辦VA液晶顯示器體驗會 (BenQ Taiwan holds VA LED monitor product hands-on)

人氣、口碑強強滾的VA LED液晶螢幕為讓消費者更加了解高對比的特色,以電影為名,於9/23舉辦之電影體驗會。現場邀請知名影評達人-彌勒熊老師,現身說法以精選知名電影片段來展現VA LED影音得生活應用,透過觀看電影來了解面板最大特性。而當天除了體驗極致VA面板的極致影音之外,精彩的電影內容也大大的提升了大家的文藝氣質,實用的體驗課程更在每個參加者的心中都留下了深刻的印象!

BenQ’s all-new VA LCD-based EW Platinum Series monitors offer super-high 5000:1 contrast ratio for stunning visuals that really pop, better rendering details in dimly lit areas of a scene, so users can enjoy a supreme viewing experience even in their own homes.

BenQ’s popular VA LED monitors with their excellent word of mouth is better acquainting consumers with the advantages of high contrast ratios. To broaden awareness, BenQ held a movie viewing on 23 September. At the venue, noted local film critic dodobear used clips from famous movies to show the features of VA LED panels and how they enhance the movie viewing experience. Besides giving the public a first-hand experience with the superb picture quality provided by the VA LCD panel, the event gave everyone the opportunity to see examples of master filmmaking, and the practical instruction on how to take advantage of VA LED monitors left a deep impression on those in attendance.

明基EW2430V液晶顯示器首獲中國產品碳中和證書 (BenQ’s EW2430V LCD monitor wins carbon neutrality certification in China)

明基所生產的EW2430V液晶顯示器在2011年下半年已是全球首個通過中國產品碳足跡查證的產品,2012年則再接再厲,於五月在國際碳交易市場上購得碳權後抵換EW2430V產品碳足跡,達成產品碳中和。此次明基購得之碳權源於「雲南馬關拉氣水電計畫(Yunnan Maguan Laqi Hydropower Project)」;屬於替代能源專案計畫所產生的碳權,此水電計畫也同是聯合國CDM與VCS註冊之減量計畫。

明基完成產品碳中和宣告後,由中國電子技術標準化研究所認證中心依據PAS2060:2010實施碳中和之規範(Specification for the demonstration of carbon neutrality)確證並頒證,而此張證書也是中國十二五計畫中產品碳中和試點計畫中,全球所發出的第一張證書。

BenQ’s EW2430V LCD monitor was the world’s first product to attain China’s PAS 2050 carbon footprint  certification, doing so in the latter half of 2011. Following up on this achievement, in May 2012, carbon credits that could be used as a EW2430V product carbon footprint offset became available for purchase on the international carbon exchange market. BenQ’s carbon credit originated with the Yunnan Maguan Laqi Hydropower Project, and is part of a program to find alternative energy sources. The hydropower project is also registered with the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism and Voluntary Carbon Standard programs.

After announcing completion of the carbon footprint offset, BenQ obtained certification from the China Electronic Standardization Institute for the latter’s “Specification for the demonstration of carbon neutrality” program. This certification is the world’s first granted by one of the carbon neutrality pilot projects in  China.

全球第一台純雷射節能投影機BenQ LX60ST/LW61ST在台上市 (BenQ’s LX60ST/LW61ST, world’s first laser energy-efficient projector, launches in Taiwan)


明基亞太台灣區總經理董于震表示,BenQ台灣區投影機銷售動能來自三個主要區塊: 家影機消費性市場、教育市場、及節能投影市場。尤其台灣因油電雙漲政策,讓節能商品的需求增加,BenQ台灣區亦從2012年第二季起強力推動SmartEco智慧節能投影機系列, BenQ純雷射投影機的推出,不只讓BenQ節能系列投影商品將更為齊全,雷射新光源的優勢更提供更多商展空間顯示解決方案。

The world’s first #1 DLP projector brand BenQ is once again establishing a technology trend, initiating a new era in projector light sources by launching the world’s first mercury-free laser-illuminated short-throw projector, the energy-efficient LX60ST/LW61ST, in Taiwan. The projector targets the business and large-scale exhibition/performance venue markets.

BenQ Taiwan general manager Robert Dung stated that there are three main drivers for BenQ Taiwan’s projector sales: the consumer-oriented home video entertainment market, the education market, and the market for energy-efficient projectors. The Taiwanese government’s policy push for increased gasoline and electricity prices to incentivize energy conservation has led to a rise in demand for energy-efficient products. Dovetailing with the government’s policy direction, BenQ Taiwan has put a strong promotional push behind SmartEco projectors since the second quarter of 2012, and the introduction of BenQ’s laser light source projectors not only help round out BenQ’s energy-efficient projector offerings, but the advantages provided by the use of a laser light source enable more solutions for trade show displays.

BenQ 太陽能瞄準台灣市場 推出全方位太陽能解決方案 (BenQ Solar targets Taiwan market with comprehensive solar power solution)

全球領先的太陽能解決方案品牌BenQ太陽能(BenQ Solar)將瞄準台灣市場,於10月3日至10月5日的PV Taiwan太陽能展中,展示全台第一個整合性AC Unison交流電太陽能解決方案,同時也持續推展電廠專案,以及針對偏遠地區推出微型電網解決方案(mini-grid solution),讓在地用戶彈性地運用能源、節省發電成本,並在油電雙漲的高物價時代,達到經濟與環保的雙贏。

「BenQ 太陽能提供住宅、商用及電廠的全方位太陽能解決方案。」友達光電太陽能事業副總經理陳建斌表示:「BenQ 太陽能貼近台灣消費者的電力需求,設計出簡單方便、高效率又經濟的AC 整合性模組與微型電網(mini-grid)太陽能解決方案,一次性地滿足用戶在太陽能發電、系統安裝、監控系統、儲備能源以及混合電力使用上的多重需求。」

經濟部能源局近來推動『陽光屋頂百萬座』補助計畫,希望在2030年達到3100MW(百萬瓦)的目標,以鼓勵自有屋頂與大樓型的用戶設置太陽能板,並將多餘電力長期賣給台電,這項措施引發住宅型用戶的關注。BenQ 太陽能也特別針對台灣地狹人稠,住宅密度高,屋頂常在交錯之下產生陰影,又位於沿海地帶的特性,設計具備「抗遮蔭」與「抗鹽化」的AC Unison整合性模組解決方案,以維持太陽能模組的最大發電功率,其配套的電力監控系統,能讓住戶透過電腦及行動裝置隨時掌握發電狀態。BenQ 太陽能目前已與經銷商及銀行合作,提供住宅型用戶融資服務,以降低初期的投入門檻。另一方面,AC Unison交流電太陽能解決方案也榮獲經濟部第2屆台灣綠色典範獎,肯定其綠色服務的成效。

BenQ太陽能同時針對台灣位處偏遠地區的用戶,提供微型電網解決方案(mini-grid solution),讓用戶能在白天儲存透過太陽能模組所產生的電力供居家使用,以減少柴油或其他供電系統所需的費用,若太陽能電力不足,微型電網解決方案能靈活調度其他電力來源,達到節省成本的功效。BenQ 太陽能目前已在澎湖的東吉嶼進行微型電網解決方案的建置,預計將在2012年底前完工。

透過「全球營運、在地服務」的經營策略,BenQ 太陽能與合作夥伴在台灣的電廠專案規模累計已達38MW,也在全球各地成功地完成多項太陽能專案,並持續在包括台灣在內的各國市場拓展其通路網絡與經銷商據點,以提供客戶即時完整的在地支援,以及易於安裝、高效率與可靠的太陽能解決方案。

enQ Solar, a global leader in solar power solutions, is targeting the Taiwanese market, exhibiting Taiwan’s first AC Unison solar power solution at the PV Taiwan exhibition taking place from 3 to 5 October. It is also continuing to promote its power station projects, offering a mini-grid solution for remote areas, allowing local residents to make flexible use of energy and reducing power generation costs. In an era of high cost of living led by rises in gasoline and electricity prices, BenQ Solar is creating wins in both economic and environmental spheres.

“BenQ Solar can provide homes, businesses, and power plants with comprehensive solar power solutions,” says James C.P. Chen, Vice President, Solar Business Group at AU Optronics. “BenQ Solar understands the electrical power needs of Taiwan’s consumers, and we have used that knowledge to design an easy-to-use, highly efficient, and economical AC Unison power module and mini-grid solution. This a comprehensive approach to satisfying user needs in various areas like solar power generation, system installation, monitoring systems, power storage, and mixed-source power usage.”

The Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Bureau of Energy recently began its Million Rooftop PVs subsidy program, which aims to raise the level of photovoltaic power generation to 3100MW by 2030. The program is aimed at encouraging residents whose homes have a  roof as well as building owners to install solar panels, and sell excess electricity generated to Taipower, Taiwan’s electricity utility. This program has gained much attention from residential users in particular. BenQ Solar’s AC Unison power module solution with its shade-tolerant and salt-resistant features was specially designed for Taiwan with its densely populated urban areas where rooftops are often shaded by neighboring buildings, and the proximity of many residents to the ocean. These features ensure that power generation efficiency is maintained at a high level, while a supporting power monitoring system enables residents to check power generation status via their computers and mobile devices at any time. BenQ Solar is currently working with distributors and banks to provide residential users with financing services that lower initial costs. On another front, BenQ Solar’s AC Unison solar power solution won a Taiwan Green Classics Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, affirming its success in delivering effective green services.

BenQ Solar is also providing a mini-grid solution for users in remote areas of Taiwan, allowing them to take advantage of power generated by solar power modules and stored during the day, reducing the cost for diesel fuel or other costs associated with traditional power systems. Should solar-derived power be insufficient, the mini-grid solution can make flexible use of other electrical sources to achieve cost savings. BenQ Solar is currently deploying the mini-grid solution on Dongji Island in Taiwan’s Penghu archipelago, with the project slated for completion by year’s end.

Drawing on its strategy of  “global operations, local services”, BenQ Solar has worked with partners to complete power plant projects in Taiwan that supply a total of 38MW of electricity. In locations worldwide, it has likewise completed a number of solar power projects. BenQ Solar will continue to expand its channel network and distribution points in markets around the world, including Taiwan, to provide customers with comprehensive real-time localized support, and easy-to-install, high-efficiency, and reliable solar power solutions.