2012年8月13日 星期一
「遠離視疲勞 過癮看奧運」LCD暑期促銷中國各區域開展如火如荼 (“Avoid eyestrain while enjoying the Olympics” theme for summer LCD promotion in China)
暑期已經步入8月,BenQ China於全中國各區域針對暑期進行的「遠離視疲勞 過癮看奧運」主題促銷活動正如火如荼的展開,各區域不僅在店面佈置陳列上精心準備,同時也在賣力的進行產品的銷售,讓這個暑假變得更加火熱!
It was already August, and BenQ China commenced a sales promotion based on the theme “Avoid eyestrain while enjoying the Olympics”. Running throughout China, the promotion drew on eye-catching displays in retail stores, as well as a concerted product sales effort, creating even greater “heat” this summer.
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