2012年8月9日 星期四

BenQ G1最輕薄翻轉螢幕大光圈相機 台灣區上市宣傳展開 (BenQ begins publicity in Taiwan for G1, most compact swivel-screen bright-lens camera)

BenQ推出「全球最輕薄翻轉螢幕大光圈類單眼」G1新機,具備F1.8超大光圈、3吋92萬畫素翻轉螢幕、最輕薄機身,由於輕巧易攜,並具備自拍翻轉螢幕,因此封號「女王自拍機」!自上市以來,BenQ 台灣區陸續操作上市發表會、平面/廣播/網路/通路廣告、網路口碑、展場話題、通路體驗活動等,企盼能持續增加產品與品牌的拉力,創造銷售佳績!

BenQ introduced its new G1, the world’s most compact swivel-screen bright-lens DSLR camera. The G1 boasts a F1.8 extra-large aperture, 3” 920K-pixel swivel-screen display, and an incredibly light and slim casing. Due to its compactness, and the ease with which it can be used to take self-portrait photos, it has been called “the queen’s camera”. Since its introduction, BenQ Taiwan has held a product launch; run print, broadcast, channel, and online advertisements; built online word-of-mouth; showcased it at exhibitions; and organized hands-on events in the channel—all in the hope of continuing to increase the drawing power of the product and brand, driving great sales.

