2012年8月8日 星期三
BenQ G1隨我玩拍體驗車,全台體驗活動開跑 (BenQ G1 touring van brings hands-on opportunity to more people around Taiwan)
2012台北應用展BenQ G1女王自拍機,隨我翻轉的自拍功能讓逛展民眾印象深刻、並創下銷售佳績。為讓全省民眾皆能親身把玩F1.8超大光圈、3吋翻轉螢幕、輕薄時尚機身的G1,「BenQ G1隨我玩拍體驗車」即日起至9/16日將巡迴BenQ全台灣銷售通路,想體驗G1隨我翻轉自拍利器的民眾千萬別錯過。
The G1, with its swivel-screen feature so ideal for shooting self-portrait photos, impressed the public at the Taipei Computer Applications Show, and also achieved excellent sales. To give members of the public throughout Taiwan a chance to play with the stylishly svelte G1’s F1.8 large-aperture bright lens and 3” swivel screen, the BenQ G1 touring van will be making stops at BenQ sales channels all around the island. Anyone who wants to try out the G1 for themselves shouldn’t miss it.
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