2012年8月14日 星期二

BenQ於以色列經銷商會議溝通GW系列顯示器 (GW series demonstration at LCD VIP meeting in Israel)

為了與經銷商介紹BenQ的VA LED顯示器優勢,我們於7/23在以色列舉辦經銷商會議,向第一線銷售人員溝通LED、LCD顯示器的特色。

To communicate business direction and introduce VA LED benefits with front-line people, BenQ Middle East worked with Israel's distributor to conduct a VIP Club event for LCD monitor on 23rd of July. Over 100 dealers and SI participated in and contributed their feedback about LCD business and products actively. Full range LCD monitors included VA LED and gaming models were well demonstrated to all dealers.

