2012年8月13日 星期一

台北應用展「BenQ快樂視 樂翻天」熱鬧落幕 (BenQ proves a popular attraction at Taipei Computer Applications Show)

台北2012應用展於8/3熱鬧開展,雖因颱風停展一日,但後續數日的人潮並未因此而減少。BenQ 台灣區以「BenQ快樂視 樂翻天」為主題,將展場活動結合話題商品「全球最輕薄翻轉螢幕大光圈類單眼 – G1」,並推出買BenQ指定機種,就可玩樂透機抽G1相機,同時推升銷售熱度與新品話題。在周六8/4,更推出「BenQ G1軟Q自拍王」活動,邀請現場消費者上台感受G1輕巧自拍的特性,有效傳達產品的記憶點,並也吸引媒體爭相採訪。同時,各產品線的體驗展示區引人入勝,吸引更多消費者駐足攤位,帶動現場人氣!

The Taipei Computer Applications Show got off to a rousing start on 3 August. Though one day was cancelled due to a typhoon, large crowds attended over subsequent days of the expo. BenQ Taiwan’s exhibition space combined a theme emphasizing the fun that BenQ’s imaging products bring to life, with the much-discussed G1, the world’s most compact swivel-screen bright-lens camera. BenQ also held a promotion, with purchasers of selected BenQ models eligible to win a G1, that increased sales momentum and discussion of the product.  At an event on Saturday, 4 August consumers in attendance were invited onstage to experience how handy the G1 is for taking pictures of oneself, successfully communicating a memorable feature and attracting media coverage. At the same time, the hands-on area for various product lines also proved popular, drawing even more visitors to BenQ’s booth and adding to the energy.

