2012年8月13日 星期一
BenQ電競顯示器三屏拼接體驗本週末亮相中國遊戲風雲G聯賽 (BenQ gaming monitors bring triple-screen experience to top Chinese gaming tournament)
On 11 and 12 August, the championship match for the first season in the G-League—one of China’s premier gaming tournaments—took place in Shanghai. BenQ was the official monitor partner for the tournament, and BenQ showed off all its gaming monitors, including the XL2420T, RL2450T, and RL2240H in its exhibition area. BenQ gave gamers a chance to get a sense of the triple-screen effect brought by BenQ’s flagship XL2420T monitor, allowing gaming aficionados a chance to experience for themselves the BenQ gaming monitors that are proving so popular among their pro brethren. Besides taking advantage of the exhibition area, BenQ also used the occasion to hold special events at its Taobao flagship store.
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