2012年8月13日 星期一
BenQ G1中國首發微博發聲,逾2000人參與轉發評論 (BenQ G1 sees first microblogging promotion, with more than 2000 people reposting G1 news)
For the launch of the G1 at BenQ’s Taobao flagship store, we used the BenQ Lion platform. In the initial stage, we presented a detailed analysis of the G1’s various features, while using beautifully designed product and usage scenario illustrations to spark user interest, following up by using a price 1000 renminbi lower than the official retail price to attract the attention of various types of customers. BenQ took advantage of a microblogging platform to gain publicity, with 2177 reposting and 1383 comments posted. One poster even exclaimed, “Spending the money to have fun like this is totally worth it.”
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