2012年8月9日 星期四
BenQ贊助無限創造DNA [演唱會幕後之王]主腦公開展 (BenQ sponsors B'!nL!ve B'!ns!de: The Making of A Super Concert public exhibition)
當快樂科技遇上創意文化,將展現更多元而耀眼的風貌!BenQ秉持「享受快樂科技」品牌定位,積極推廣文創產業,贊助2012相信音樂無限創造DNA [演唱會幕後之王]主腦公開展,透過BenQ顯示科技栩栩如生的影像表現,帶給觀展民眾更高品質的視覺娛樂饗宴,體驗五月天將諾亞方舟開進北京鳥巢,及劉若英、梁靜茹、丁噹、范瑋琪、FIR演唱會背後的精彩歷程。
When delightful technology meets creative culture, greater diversity and brilliance results. BenQ maintains its “enjoyment matters” brand positioning, and is actively promoting cultural industries, recently sponsoring the B'!nL!ve B'!ns!de: The Making of A Super Concert exhibition, using BenQ’s imaging technology to give visitors a higher-quality visual entertainment experience. They were able to enjoy the Taiwanese band Mayday driving a mockup of Noah’s Ark into the Beijing National Stadium, as well as exciting behind-the-scenes look at concerts by other well-known Chinese-language musical performers.
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