2012年8月13日 星期一

BenQ China成功跨界行銷 GP2,利用新媒體推波助瀾 (BenQ China successfully cross-markets the GP2, using new media to generate buzz)

寶馬MINI “年輕,時尚,潮流”等元素與BenQ mini投影機GP2十分的契合,為了更生動的向用戶傳達GP2的理念,BenQGP2攜手寶馬MINI與用戶深入互動,在MINI 車中感受mini投影機的魅力。互動活動以“光影隨行,城市駕車尋寶——GP2從投開始”為主題,通過在目前最為活躍的微博平臺,以及最後的落地,活動取得了很好的效果, 歷時兩周線上推廣,參與互動的人數超過2.4W人次,覆蓋人群400W人次,官方微博粉絲成長翻倍!為了深度的挖掘用戶,同時在活躍的論壇上徵集GP2的創意使用,讓用戶創意其中。基於ZOL,和pcpop兩大最為活躍的論壇,活動達到20Wpv,有24,141人次對活動感興趣,其中有2000人次參與活動中,徵集到創意和詳盡的GP2使用方案51個,方案的互動達,11863人次!最後,優秀的方案,徵集網友共同體驗,也由此拉近BenQ品牌與用戶的距離!

Qualities such as “youthful, stylish, and trendy” that are associated with BMW’s MINI automobiles apply equally well to BenQ’s mini-projector, the GP2. In order to more vividly communicate the idea behind the GP2, BenQ brought together the GP2 and BMW MINI in a highly interactive event with users, enabling them to experience the appeal of a mini-projector inside a MINI automobile. The event used “Take your show on the road with the GP2” as its theme. Taking advantage of China’s most active current microblogging platform, Weibo, the event achieved excellent results. After two weeks of online promotion, more than 24,000 people participated, with information visible to a community of 4 million, and official Weibo followers doubling. In order to reach a greater range of users, creative uses of the GP2 were solicited on active discussion forums during the event. With enthusiastic participation on the two most active forums, ZOL and pcpop, the event drew 200,000 page views, and 24,141 expressed an interest in the event, with 2000 actually participating in the event. 51 detailed and creative usage scenarios for the GP2 were received, with 11,863 people participating in the process. Finally, we invited members of the online community to try out these outstanding ideas for using the GP2, and by their doing so, we brought the BenQ brand closer to users.

