2012年7月18日 星期三

BenQ Thailand上月參加兩場教育研討會 (BenQ Thailand Participated two Education Meetings in June)

BenQ Thailand上月參加「Science & Technology Education Meeting」與「Deputy Director of basic education institute of Thailand annual meeting」以MX815ST 和IFP TL550為例,展示我們在教育投影機的成效,並鞏固在教育界的夥伴關係。

BenQ Thailand aggressively develops education market and joined two education meetings in June. At those two events, full lineup of education projectors were displayed, while MX815ST and IFP TL550 were live demonstrated to teachers and top managers of schools.

- Science & Technology Education Meeting was held from Jun 14th to 15th in Winsor Suit Bangkok Hotel. Targeting at school teachers and university lecturers of science and technology subject, BenQ showcase full lineup projectors to school faculty, and had a 30min. brand and product presentation at the stage.

- Deputy Director of basic education institute of Thailand annual meeting was from Jun 17th to 19th in Lotus Pangsuankeaw Chieng Mai Hotel for vice directors and top managers in schools. More than 3,000 attendees participated the meeting, where we set up one booth showcasing our projection solution.

Through proactively participated in education meetings, BenQ Thailand not only effectivly communicated our brand and products to the right target audience, but also strengthen the relationship to cook possible orders in the near future.

