2012年7月23日 星期一

BenQ China五、六月員工活動 (BenQ employee events in May, June)

六一節與端午節,BenQ China準備了豐富的特賣會;六月蘇州同仁大手牽小手、親近自然的活動則前往採摘成熟的枇杷;浪漫大連之旅(第一梯6/15-17、第二梯6/16-18 )也讓同仁體會自然風光。
To celebrate Dragon Boat Festival, BenQ China held a sale. In June, Suzhou colleagues and their families enjoyed an outdoor event, picking ripe loquat fruit. A romantic trip to Dalian (the first group 15 to 17 June, and the second 16 to 18 June) also gave colleagues a chance to experience nature’s glory.

