2012年7月17日 星期二

步步為營 BenQ China打造蕪湖電競網吧立體案例 (Moving deliberately, BenQ China helps propel Wuhu Internet cafe’s popularity)


Fei Fei Cyber Cafe in Wuhu, Anhui Province purchased 200 BenQ gaming monitors, using them to build itself into Wuhu’s #1 Internet cafe. It also joined with BenQ in organizing the “BenQ Cup” Fei Fei Cyber Cafe gaming tournament. For the championship match, we invited former CS world champion Alex to add to the excitement. According to those in the know, after this event, and drawing on its excellent hardware equipment, Fei Fei Cyber Cafe reached 78% of its seating capacity during its first two months in business.

