2012年7月16日 星期一
BenQ投影機舉辦經銷商應用與技術研討會,與通路夥伴一同拓展更大商機 (BenQ holds applications and technology workshop for projector distributors, expanding business opportunities with channel partners)
BenQ台灣區於6/25(一)在台北總公司,舉辦BenQ投影機應用與技術研討會,與經銷夥伴們分享BenQ投影機的產品應用技術,包含展示最新科技SmartEco智慧節能投影機與雷射投影機,以及投影機拼接融合技術、Windows 8互動式觸控投影技術、虛擬式電子白板教學運用與DLP 3D主動式快門系統技術。透過研討會協助經銷商夥伴瞭解更多最新科技與應用層面技術,因此獲得經銷夥伴熱烈的討論與迴響。
On 25 June, BenQ Taiwan held an applications and technology workshop for its distributors at Taipei headquarters, sharing information on application technology for BenQ projectors, including demos of its SmartEco energy-efficient projectors and laser projectors, as well as projector-based image stitching and fusion technology, interactive projection technology for Windows 8, educational applications of virtualized electronic whiteboards, and an DLP-based active shutter 3D system. Through the workshop, BenQ aided distribution partners in understanding more of the core technologies and latest application-level technologies, eliciting enthusiastic discussion and feedback from them.
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