全球最大的太陽能光電展Intersolar Europe於今年6月13-15日再度在德國慕尼黑展覽館盛大舉行。繼2010年推出太陽能模組暨抗污技術、2011年以「AUO as the Best LCOE Product Provider」為主題,展示最佳發電的成本效益產品後,今年友達以新品牌BenQ Solar於此國際大展隆重登場,並超越單純太陽能模組的展示方式,呈現各類市場所需的系統及解決方案,包含有:住宅型太陽能解決方案(Residential Solution)、電廠系統(Utility System)以及微型電網解決方案(Mini-Grid Solution)。
在為期三日的展出中,針對住宅型市場展示的交流電太陽能解決方案「AC Unison」人氣指數始終居高不下,而其受到歡迎的原因其來有自,除了採用高效率的多晶太陽能模組GreenTriplex PM245P00外,還整合了微型逆變器,使每片模組之發電功率皆可達到最大,即使在部份遮蔭的情形下,AC Unison仍能相較一般直流電太陽能系統多出顯著的發電量。
BenQ Solar, a new solar brand launched by AU Optronics Corp. (NYSE: AUO), is participating in Intersolar North America 2012 which will be held from July 10th to 12th, at Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, USA to exhibit high-quality, high-efficiency, and advanced PV modules.
BenQ Solar is a total solution provider and serves as a division of AU Optronics Corp., a leading global display and solar solutions provider. Under the business strategy of “Global Operation, Local Delivery”, BenQ Solar provides prompt, economic and high-efficiency total solutions through its global manufacturing operations in Taiwan, China, Czech Republic, and the Unites States. BenQ Solar also develops PV power plants with local partners in Europe, the United States, Asia and Africa.
At this year’s Intersolar North America, we are showcasing a range of state-of-art PV products, including:
- Leading Poly-crystalline PV module – the GreenTriplexPM300P00, which features a 3 busbar design and flexible mounting design to save installation labor hours and cost.
- The industry’s first integrated AC module system: AC Unison PM250MA0, AC module with an integrated micro-inverter and complete solar monitoring system
- Higher efficiency poly-crystalline module made in the USA: GreenTriplex PM245P00