2012年7月16日 星期一

BenQ Smart LED大型液晶E4-6500「孩子的世界,媽媽最懂」-電視廣告7/13首播! (BenQ Smart LED TV commercial airs for first time on 13 July)

BenQ全新推出Smart LED大型液晶42型E42-6500,整合豐富的、專為親子教育量身打造的幼教Apps,並擁有影音智慧分類,精選國內外優質兒童節目,為最適合台灣親子的智慧機種!電視廣告於7/13日首播,針對目標消費群—擁有學齡前兒童的家庭,描述親子間特有的默契互動,透過BenQ最豐富在地化的智慧機種,輕鬆與孩子共享優質互動時光!
BenQ’s all-new Smart LED flat-panel TV, the 42” E42-6500, combines a diverse range of educational apps specially designed for family learning, intelligently organized media content, and hand-picked domestic and foreign children’s programming—making it the Smart TV best suited for Taiwanese families. On 13 July, the TV commercial for the E42-6500 aired for the first time with its message targeting families with pre-school children. The commercial portrays the special communion between parents and children, showing how BenQ’s rich array of localized content for its Smart TV is an easy way to foster quality shared time.

