首波油電雙漲政策已於6月份開始落實,節能已成為全民運動,不但影響民生購物更加精打細算,對企業團體的衝擊更是不小,尤其投影機已是基本辦公設備的中小型企業,如何聰明節電更是當務之急。BenQ SmartEco節能全系列投影機,不但提供企業一個兼具聰明節電、效能提升、環保愛地球的全新解決方案,更運用社會大眾所關注的議題來爭取SmartEco節能投影機的高關注度,以及提升企業對BenQ的認同並累積正面形象。
The first phase of Taiwan’s government policy of allowing rises in the prices of both gasoline and electricity took force in June, leading to widespread public enthusiasm for energy conservation, not only affecting household budgets, but significantly impacting businesses. Notably, as projectors have become essential office equipment for small and medium-sized enterprises, intelligently implemented energy efficiency is a much sought-after feature. BenQ’s SmartEco projectors provide businesses with a new solution for saving on power costs, increasing performance, and preserving the environment. Moreover, BenQ is taking advantage of the high level of attention that the public is now giving to the issue of energy conservation by highlighting the advantages of SmartEco projectors, while also raising businesses’ approval of BenQ and adding to its positive image.
1. First step: Widespread publicity, with PR efforts and advertising proceeding in tandem
2. Second step: Promoting first-hand experience of SmartEco for businesses through the “SmartEco corporate energy conservation program”
3. Third step: Promotional videos and cost projection tools, to aid distributors in educating potential customers