2012年7月17日 星期二
BenQ China GP2線下體驗活動——光影隨行,城市駕車尋寶活動,現已正式開始接受報名 (BenQ China begins taking registration for urban treasure hunt event using the GP2)
7月15日開始,BenQ China舉行GP2線下體驗活動——光影隨行,城市駕車尋寶活動,現已正式開始接受報名。尋寶過程中將使用密碼收集、經典再現、密文破解、神秘旋律、光影謎團等鮮為人知的謎題方式,通過GP2和iPhone破解各種謎團與線索、尋找特別而又神秘的城市美麗角落、完成刺激而又新奇的任務,來發現北京那些你最熟悉的陌生地,尋找一件神秘卻又有意義的寶藏。
Beginning 15 July, BenQ China began accepting registration for an urban treasure hunt in which drivers will make use of the GP2 in their search. The event makes use of a puzzle-like approach including collection of passwords, deciphering of coded documents, mystery melodies, riddle solving, and so on. Using the GP2 and iPhone, contestants will solve various riddles and access clues, search for unusual and secret corners of the city, and complete an exciting and novel mission. In the course of their adventure, they will discover a treasure of mystery and significance in the Beijing that is at once so familiar, yet unknown.
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