TFE戰隊由BenQ出資打造,延攬中國CS第一人——前世界冠軍卞正偉Alex Bian為總教練,歷經2011年下半年全國海選和蘇州總決選,力圖甄選潛力新秀,透過專業、高效、全面的職業化培養,打造CS明日之星隊伍,目標登上爭奪世界冠軍的舞臺。
Recently, BQC has used the start of the BenQ 5Eplay National Gaming Tour 2012 to publicize the official formation of BenQ’s professional gaming team, TFE. TFE will enter major gaming competitions nationwide, matching wits and skills with the country’s best gamers, stirring up renewed interest in competitive gaming.
TFE was formed with the financial backing of BenQ, and is drawing on the talents of China’s foremost CS gamer and former world champion Alex Bian as head coach. After auditions throughout China during the second half of 2011 and championship matches in Suzhou to determine who made the team, TFE has finally come together. The team is the result of a determined effort to find the gamers with great potential, and then give them the benefit of professional, efficient, and comprehensive training to turn them into tomorrow’s star CS team. The ultimate goal is put TFE on the stage as world champions.