2012年3月14日 星期三

BenQ電競螢幕佔領搜尋引擎與各大雜誌(BenQ gaming monitors occupy prominent position in search engine results and major magazines)

BenQ台灣區從2011初起藉由推出市場第一台電競螢幕XL2410T,延續至今年初XL2420T 與 RL系列的上市推廣,持續以「專業電競螢幕」的定位對市場溝通,目前在入口網站Google & Yahoo自然搜尋排行榜中佔據榜首和前10大排名(關鍵搜尋電競顯示器或電競螢幕),除表示產品力深受電競玩家肯定之外,也證明行銷交出漂亮成績單,成功打造BenQ在市場上「專業電競螢幕」的形象。

此外,BenQ台灣區不斷積極爭取各種媒體體驗與產品測試報導的機會,媒體於實際體驗產品性能之後,亦對XL & RL出色表現驚艷不已,接二連三給予正面報導與推薦,成功的延續了BenQ 電競螢幕在媒體露出的聲量與能見度。2012年2月份即有多家媒體給予肯定, 3月份接連著《PC Home》、《PC ADV 電腦王》遊戲相關網站《XBOX Life》編輯與部落客等予以深度產品報導,在在肯定BenQ電競螢幕XL & RL 的與眾不同。

Since early 2011, when BenQ Taiwan launched the market’s first gaming monitor, the XL2410T, then the XL2420T that debuted at the beginning of this year and the RL series to continue the push, BenQ has positioned itself as the “professional gaming monitor” brand in communicating with consumers. Currently, on Google and Yahoo’s Chinese-language search queries, BenQ occupies the most popular and top ten ranking (when the keyword search term is “gaming monitor” or “gaming display” in Chinese). Besides indicating that BenQ’s monitors have won deep affirmation from gamers, these results also prove that BenQ’s marketing efforts have paid off handsomely, successfully creating an image of BenQ as the market’s “professional gaming monitor” brand.

In addition, BenQ Taiwan is continually seeking out opportunities to gain media exposure for its monitors through hands-on reports and product tests. After experiencing BenQ monitors’ capabilities first-hand, the media has been extremely impressed by the XL and RL series’ outstanding performance, resulting in a stream of positive reviews and recommendations—and successfully sustaining the media impact and visibility of BenQ’s gaming monitors. In February, numerous media outlets provided positive coverage, and in March, the editors of PC Home, PC ADV, and gaming-themed website XBox Life, as well as bloggers, offered in-depth reports on BenQ monitors, all affirming that BenQ’s XL and RL gaming monitors stand out from the crowd.

