BenQ數位相機GH700自去年12月上市以來,致力於打造「國產第一類單眼」的形象,且積極爭取各種媒體體驗與產品測試報導的機會,讓原先對BenQ高階數位相機陌生的3C、攝影專業媒體,在實際體驗產品性能之後,也對GH700的出色表現感到驚艷,並給予大篇幅的報導露出,成功的延續了BenQ GH700在媒體露出的聲量與能見度。
2012年3月份包含3C專業媒體《PC HOME》評論「入門類單眼小巨砲,兼具廣角及高倍變焦」、《PC DIY》編輯予以深度產品報導台灣出發的品牌實力,與專業攝影媒體《攝影家手札》網站編輯第一手實測,在在肯定GH700的與眾不同。
Since it was introduced last December, BenQ’s GH700 digital camera has been promoted as “the first domestically produced single-lens reflex camera”. Moreover, BenQ has aggressively sought opportunities to arrange for media hands-on reviews and product tests with the GH700. As a result of first-hand experience with the camera’s capabilities, the professional 3C and photography media, once unfamiliar with BenQ’s high-end cameras, has been stunned by the GH700’s outstanding performance and given it extensive coverage. The GH700’s impact and visibility in the media is being successfully sustained.
Coverage in March 2012 included a review by 3C specialist media outlet PC Home in which it called the GH700 “a powerhouse entry-level DSLR camera with a wide-angle lens and high zoom”, an in-depth product report focusing on Taiwan’s emerging brand prowess by PC DIY’s editors, and a product review on the Photosharp photography-themed website. All attested to the GH700 standing out in the crowded camera market.