明基三豐醫療器材將於2012年4月17至4月20日參加春季中國國際醫療器械博覽會(CMEF), 該展會始創於1979年,每年春秋兩屆,在經歷了30年的不斷創新、自我完善,已成為亞太地區最大的醫療器械及相關產品、服務展覽會。展出內容全面涵蓋了包括醫用影像、體外診斷、電子、光學、急救、康復護理以及醫療資訊技術、外包服務等上萬種產品,直接並全面服務於醫療器械行業從源頭到終端整條醫療產業鏈。
每一屆來自20多個國家的2400餘家醫療器械生產企業和超過全球100多個國家和地區的120000人次的政府機構採購、醫院買家和經銷商彙聚CMEF交易、交流;隨著展覽會更加專業化的縱深發展,先後創立了會議論壇、CMEF Imaging、CMEF IVD、CMEF IT以及ICMD一系列的醫療領域子品牌,CMEF已成為醫療行業內最大的專業醫療採購貿易平臺、技術交流平臺。明基三豐歷年來多次參展的盛況經驗中,期待透過今年春季展的過程,能拓展業務資訊及品牌宣導的成功佳績。
BenQ Medical Technology Corporation will attend China International Medicinal Equipment Fair (CMEF) from April 17, 2012 to April 20 in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre. CMEF was founded in 1979, this exhibition is held twice a year - spring and autumn. After 30 years of continuous innovation and self-improvement, CMEF has become the largest exhibition of medical equipment, related products and services in the Asia-Pacific region. The exhibition widely covers ten thousands of products such as medical imaging, in vitro diagnosis, electronics, optics, first aid, rehabilitation nursing, medical information technology and outsourcing services, and it provides services to the entire medical industry chain from the source to the end of the medical equipment industry in a direct and all-round way.