2012年3月12日 星期一

愛很簡單 從投開始——2011-2012投影機江西、廣州、遼寧、陝西行業說明會成功召開(Business briefings on projectors for 2011-2012 successfully convened in Jiangxi, Guangzhou, Liaoning, and Shanxi)


BQC recently convened business briefings in China’s Jiangxi, Guangzhou, Liaoning, and Shanxi. Besides reporting on industry trends and product strategies, detailed presentations on BenQ’s new products and channel strategies were provided to the distributors in attendance. Also at the venue were both static displays and live demoes of BenQ’s newly launched projector models that include the latest technologies. Interactive whiteboards were available to give attendees a chance to experience the capabilities and powerful application technologies of BenQ’s projectors first-hand.

