To build up the consensus of marketing focus for the following year and enhance the collaboration among BQP countries, BQP held a regional Marcom Workshop on Mar.8th-9th . Team members from Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, India, the Middle East and Turkey gathered in Taipei to have discussions on future Marcom directions, various marketing strategies and tactics for further expanding BenQ brand and product awareness and local operation sharing.
Not only having internal discussion of business and marketing plans, we also invited outside partners including ZOWIE, Saatchi&Saatchi and cacaFLY to share their viewpoints of Gaming Martket, 2012 Global Trends and Facebook Trends. Besides, we had a professional photographer, Mr. Justin Wang, joined us in the outing section on the second day. He taught each Marcom person to use BenQ digital camera, GH700, for taking good photos of the beautiful scenery of Peitou hot spring area.