2012年3月13日 星期二

BenQ SmartEco技術現身韓國節能展(SmartEco technology showcased in Energy Saving EXPO of Korea)

2/15-17,BenQ帶著SmartEco技術來到韓國「Energy Saving EXPO」!BenQ使用MS513來展示獨特的SmartEco技術,包含政府部門及經銷商在內的23500位參觀者都見證其中。所有人無不因為它優異的畫質表現和節能功率耳目一新!

Fitting with the exhibition theme, BenQ Korea presented our SmartEco technology in Energy Saving EXPO of Korea on 15th ~17th Feb. MS513 was used to demonstrate lively BenQ’s unique SmartEco technology to about 23,500 visitors, including government sellers and buyers, dealers, SI/VAR and general public. Even the visitors are from different sectors, they were all impressed very much by the good picture quality and power saving function that BenQ projectors can deliver.

