2014年7月14日 星期一

BQtw 電競螢幕贊助麻吉職業電競戰隊 (BQtw serves as product sponsor with gaming monitors for professional gaming team)

對於麻吉戰隊(Machi E-Sports)來說,每天所接觸到的就是化身為虛擬的英雄再遊戲中與敵人搏鬥,長時間團練是必要的過程,這時候就需要一台適合電競的螢幕才能夠選手們再最佳的環境中奪下場場完美的勝仗,麻吉戰隊挑選了BenQ XL2420Z這台電競夥伴,讓麻吉戰隊的戰力向上提昇不少。

For the members of the Machi E-Sports gaming team, transforming themselves into virtual world heroes to do battle with enemies is an everyday occurrence. Long hours spent in group practice is a must, and that’s when a monitor made specifically for gaming is a must. Such a monitor provides them with the best possible gameplay environment, for a crucial edge in the quest to emerge victorious. The Machi E-Sports team selected the BenQ XL2420Z as their gaming monitor, providing a considerable boost to their team’s firepower.

