2014年7月23日 星期三

BenQ參加澳洲教育展 (EduTech & NSW Secondary Principals Conference in Australia)


EduTECH從6月3日到4日在Brisbane舉辦,總參與人數約為3000人。NSE中學校長大會則是從6月10日到12日在Bathurst,約350位中學校長出席參與。在這兩次活動中,主要展示的IFP模型、RP650+,在中學校長大會中RP650x2和RP650+ x2則是有機會引進新的商機。

BenQ Australia continues to cultivate education market with our Distributor, Direct National. In Jun, BenQ Australia participated in two education events, EduTech and NSW Secondary Principals Conference.

The EduTECH was in Brisbane, from Jun 3rd to 4th and the total visitor was around 3,000. NSW Secondary Principals Conference was in Bathurst NSW, from Jun 10th to 12thand approximately 350 Principals in attendance. In both events, we mainly showcased IFP model, RP650+ and in Secondary Principals Conference, RP650x2 and RP650+x2 were sold directly with other promising leads to follow up.

