2014年7月23日 星期三

BenQ在雪梨提出音樂教育方案 (Art & Music Class in Drummoyne Public School in Sydney)

Sydney的一所公立小學Drummoyne,實錄美術與音樂班使用BenQ PointWrite MW824ST、PW01和S30進行教學的互動實境,尤其是4-pen drawing。老師Richmond說“PointWrite讓我的學生更加投入課堂學習”。“4-pens可讓多名學生在同一時間參與”。
Drummoyne Public School is a primary school located close to Sydney City. BenQ PointWrite solution including MW824ST, PW01 and S30 were set up for Art and Music class where teacher and students’ interaction with BenQ interactive projector were filmed especially the 4-pen drawing. Teacher Ms. Richmond says ‘the PointWrite solution enables my students to be more engaged in the classroom’.  Using 4 pens at once ‘enables more than one student to shine at a time’.

