2014年7月23日 星期三

BenQ在馬來西亞配合世足賽行銷 (World cup promotion news exposure in Malaysia)

繼上個月MH680從Chip and PC.com雜誌得到媒體獎後,今年6月,BenQ馬來西亞也得到了多家媒體特別報導其與世界杯相關的促銷計劃,並強調MH680是1080p家用投影機最佳且經濟實惠的選擇。

Following the media awards for MH680 from Chip and PC.com magazine last month, In June, BenQ Malaysia also got several media clipping to highlight world cup sales promotion program and reinforce MH680 as the best choice for affordable 1080p home projector.

