2014年7月15日 星期二

台灣區不閃屏,通路曝光起跑 (BenQ flicker-free monitors begin to appear in retail channels)

BenQ 不閃屏液晶顯示器榮獲德國萊因TUV認證,為全球第一家受到認可的液晶螢幕品牌。在通路門市上予以大量的曝光,讓經銷店家與消費者更了解BenQ在護眼方面的努力!

BenQ’s flicker-free LCD monitors have received Germany’s TUV certification, making BenQ’s the world’s first LCD monitor brand to achieve certification. In retail channel outlets, the certification is given a high level of exposure, enabling distributors and consumers to better understand BenQ’s efforts in eye protection.

