2014年7月14日 星期一

BQtw G2F 粉紅新色上市於86小舖實體門市舉辦唇彩自拍活動 (BQtw launches pink version of G2F camera, with self-portrait photography event held in tandem at popular retailer)

BenQ G2F晚美自拍機再推出迷人新色—「粉嫩甜心」,粉紅色機身宛若時尚彩妝,增添使用與攜帶時的甜美氣息。慶祝新色推出,G2F於6/14~6/22與知名美妝通路86小舖合作,於台北及高雄共四間分店,舉辦韓系唇彩與G2F自拍體驗。86小舖美妝廣受年輕女孩們喜愛,現場吸引許多女孩於自拍專區體驗G2F六段十八種美顏模式,以及QR code照片下載功能,將美美的試妝照立即傳至個人手機及FB塗鴉牆。此外,粉紅新色廣告影片也同步於台北捷運全線播放,時尚氛圍吸引年輕女孩的目光。

BQtw’s G2F self-portrait camera is now available in a new appealing color, “sweetheart pink”. The pink body evokes high-fashion cosmetics, enhancing the delightful experience of using and carrying the camera. To celebrate the introduction of the new color, BenQ Taiwan is working with well-known cosmetics retailer 86 Shop on a campaign that runs from 14 to 22 June. At four 86 Shop outlets in Taipei and Kaohsiung, hands-on self-portrait photo sessions featuring the G2F are taking place.
The cosmetics sold at 86 Shop are widely favored by young women, and the stores have attracted large numbers of them to the self-portrait area where they can try out the G2F’s 18 beautifying modes in six categories, as well the QR code photo downloading feature, which enables them to immediately send the beautiful photos they shoot to their own phones or Facebook wall. In addition, a new commercial featuring the new pink-colored model is being broadcast during the same period in trains throughout Taipei’s Mass Rapid Transit system, the camera’s chic styling attracting the attention of young women.

