2014年7月23日 星期三

BenQ在韓國進行關鍵字廣告行銷 (Naver keyword search ads kicked off in Korea)

為了提升優勢與刺激BenQ數位投影機在EC的銷售,BenQ韓國在6月份開始在Naver進行關鍵字廣告; 設定47個與投影機相關的關鍵字,包括價格調查,選購投影機和最好的建議。這些線上搜索流量會影響並幫助BenQ Shop(官方EC網站)和AV Pro(主要的EC經銷商),幫助提升銷售量。
In order to enhance the mindshare and stimulate EC sales of BenQ video projector, BenQ Korea started the Naver keyword ads in June; 47 keywords were set which were relevant to projector including price survey, projector purchase and best recommendation.  All those online search traffic will lead to BenQ Shop(official EC webstie) and AV Pro (major EC dealer) to help to drive sales directly.

