2014年6月11日 星期三

BQtw G2F舉辦自拍體驗會 (BQtw holds hands-on event spotlighting G2F camera)

配合校園美女自拍網路活動,G2F於5/3-5/17連三個週末,在十所大專院校週邊通路舉辦體驗活動,消費者不僅體驗蘋果光美顏自拍,也能現場使用G2F相片QR code 功能,將照片下載至個人手機,即時分享!

Coordinated with an online competition for the best campus beauty self-portraits, BenQ held product hands-on events featuring the G2F camera on three consecutive weekends spanning 3 to 17 May. The events took place at channel retailers in the vicinity of ten colleges and universities. Consumers could not only try out the G2F’s low-light beautifying effect for self-portrait shots, but also its QR code capability, which allowed users to download photographs to their own cameras for immediate sharing.

