2014年6月17日 星期二

BenQ 在波蘭四城市舉辦roadshow (Roadshow together with Action.pl in 4 cities in Poland)

BenQ 在波蘭四個城市舉辦roadshow,巡迴展示家用投影機系列產品。

Meetings with dealers in four cities (Warsaw, Katowice, Wrocław, Gdansk), for promotion, there was special website for registration and mailing to all Action customers
CRN Reseller news (media partner) http://www.crn.pl/news/wydarzenia/wydarzenia/2014/05/action-roadshow-fabryka-obrazu
Total 300 attendees took part in all cities, There was product presentation about BenQ projectors, new technologies, plans and strategy for 2014. (Long Lasting perfection campaign, video projectors promotion – World Cup) We had two screens with 3D video on W1500 from Bluray and W1080ST with Xbox. MH740, MX819ST, MX611, MW621ST and GP10 - for show
Every participant received Home video catalogue and small gift, at the end of the day there was contest with questions about BenQ and TW523 as a main prize.

