2014年6月18日 星期三

創新視界,由你定制——BenQ在京參INFOCOMM CHINA展會 (BenQ’s innovative imaging solutions dazzle at InfoComm China)

4月9日-11日,北京國際視聽集成設備與技術展(InfoComm China 2014)在北京國家會議中心舉行,三天展期共吸引 20,738 名參觀者入場參觀,高峰會議三天共接待 3,455 名與會者。本屆展會,明基為零售行業、公共顯示領域、商務會議領域、大型展會領域等提供了不同的個性化專屬解決方案,引起了觀眾與媒體的廣泛關注,共產出41篇原創報導。

From 9 to 11 April, InfoComm China 2014 was held in the China National Convention Center in Beijing. During the three days of the event, more than 20,738 people visited the exhibition space, while a summit that also took place drew 3,455 participants over three days. BenQ exhibited a variety of customized solutions for the retail industry, public information display applications, business meeting, and large-scale exhibition markets, garnering a great deal of attention from both attendees and the media. A total of 41 original reports were published in the media.

