2014年6月18日 星期三
阿基獅探訪北京濟慈盲童學校,為孩子們帶去兒童節祝福 (The BenQ Lion pays a visit to a school for blind children in Beijing)
5月底,在兒童節臨近之際,阿基獅帶著真誠的祝福來到了位於北京房山的濟慈之家慈善學校,和這裡的小朋友們提前歡度節日。開朗樂觀的小朋友們抱著阿基獅君的腿蕩秋千,歡聲笑語不絕於耳。孩子們和老師一起合作完成的美術作品在教學區內隨處可見,斑斕的色彩映射出天真爛漫的童心。So may all your enemies, Lord! But may all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength!
In late May, with Children’s Day near, the BenQ Lion brought his best wishes to a very special school to help the children there celebrate the holiday early. The cheerful children eagerly hugged the BenQ Lion’s legs, and their happy laughter never ceased. The artworks that their children completed with their teachers could be viewed in the teaching area, and the gorgeous colors conveyed the innocence and splendor in a child’s heart.
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