2014年6月11日 星期三
BenQ中國業務區【濃情端午 歡笑六一】同仁活動 (BenQ’s China sales region holds event for colleagues)
當端午遇上六一,傳統碰撞歡笑,為了讓同仁們感受濃厚的節日氛圍,5/30 BQC舉辦了精彩的端午節系列活動,包括免費贈送香囊與兒童歌曲戰鬥接龍,豐厚的現金紅包以及沉甸甸的粽子大禮包讓現場非常熱鬧歡樂。這個端午,我們一起享受美好,聯絡同事感情、共度愉快的節日。
When Dragon Boat Festival meets Children’s Day, tradition holds that the result is joyous laughter. In order to give colleagues a sense of the jubilant holiday spirit, on 30 May BQC organized an exciting slate of Dragon Boat Festival events that included giveaways of sachets and a fun word game using children’s song lyrics. Generous cash bonuses and fat bags of dumplings contributed to the boisterous and happy atmosphere. We enjoyed a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival together, bonded with our colleagues—what a joyous holiday it was.
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