2013年5月14日 星期二
BenQ總部同仁單車環島計畫,夢想出發第二站全員成功!(BenQ colleagues at headquarters complete second leg of around-the-island bike trip)
BenQ總部的同仁在【 myDream ‧ myLife 】單車環島計畫,夢想出發第二站:台北 → 蘇澳 120km , 2013/04/27 全員成功! 恭喜各位在又是風又是雨的天氣中完成挑戰,大家都成功踏出了夢想的第一步!
The second leg of BenQ headquarters’ “myDream • myLife” around-the-island bike tour covered the 120 kilometers from Taipei to Suao. Everyone who participated on 27 April successfully completed the leg. Congratulations to everyone who endured the windy and rainy conditions—and took another step towards making a dream come true!
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